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Become a Club Sponsor

The Boise Curling Club (BCC) is an arena curling club currently playing at Idaho IceWorld. We are a fast growing club of more than 400 unique members over the past 5 years, with a current membership of more than 100. We see curling as not just a sport, but as a community we’re proud to be a part of. 

The club's main objective in the next 5 years is to build its own dedicated curling facility in the Treasure Valley. Because we curl at Idaho IceWorld, we share ice time with hockey and figure skating, meaning we’re limited in the programming we can offer. Today, we run 4 hours a week of league play and between 8-10 Learn To Curl sessions a year for community organizations and individuals. 

That’s where you come in. In 2025, we’re offering club sponsorship opportunities to our favorite local businesses to help raise money for a dedicated facility. Sponsorships include both digital and physical advertising – we’ll promote you on our league scoreboards, on our social media pages and web, and in our newsletters to our members. 

In addition to club-related advertising, we’ll promote your business to attendees of our annual bonspiel and fundraiser, the Sawtooth Outdoor Bonspiel (S.O.B.) in scenic Stanley, Idaho. We’re proud to present the 12th edition of the event, with nearly 100 attendees from 11 different states on January 24-26, 2025. (We curl outside! In January! Yes, we’re nuts, and you should join us!)

The club and event also accept gifts in-kind. At the S.O.B., we raise donations through the club through beer tumbler and raffle basket sales. Two of the main in-kind donations we look for are beer kegs and items to be included in raffle baskets. 

Becoming a sponsor is a wonderful way to connect with a vibrant community and showcase your business to a wide audience of curling enthusiasts. Plus, you’ll be directly supporting the growth of curling in Idaho and helping us make this incredible sport more accessible to everyone.

Please e-mail Heather Pritchard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions or to become a sponsor.


SponsorBenefits Club


Full document can be downloaded here. 

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Sponsors

Contact Us

Boise Curling Club 
P.O. Box 171301
Boise, ID 83717
[email protected]

We Curl At

Idaho Ice World
7072 S. Eisenman Road
Boise, ID 83716


Follow Us

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About The Club

Curlers of all ages enjoy a competitive, fun and social program, with leagues and lessons available for all skill levels, from the beginner to the seasoned pro. Our curling season is filled with leagues, bonspiels, and lots of camaraderie.

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